It seems this is the possible first glimpse of the action that Modern Warfare 3 might offer us when it releases some time later this year. The Trailer is has been made to look like the fast action, thrilling campaign that we have become custom to because of previous Modern Warfare games. The Trailer has quite clearly been made in real time, using live actors and this shows through the slight differentation in the accents from them of the Characters in Modern Warfare, despite this it has been sensationally made using a small budget by WCPToronto (We Can Pretend Toronto) who incidentally also made the website findmakarov.com the website that sparked all the Modern Warfare 3 talk. For the story on this Website click to see our Article.

Exciting news regarding Modern Warfare 3. A New Website has been released with a countdown on it leading to Wednesday. The URL has been spread via an anonymous message sent to a few compainies with 2 dog tag codes on it. However, after direct contact with Activision was made they confimed that the website was not official and just a hoax by another company. Activision said "There seems to be a great deal of speculation about the next Call Of Duty project," said a company spokesperson. "Let me be clear that we are not revealing yet. Anything indicating otherwise is a hoax.".

Despite this being confirmed to be a hoax it is a great Publicity stunt and gets peoples attention to MW3. Activision have confirmed they will not be revealing details any time soon but that therefore confirms that MW3 is in production. To see the website for yourself visit: http://findmakarov.com