E3 is currently working on a list of the top 5 games they reckon will be successful. These games include Hitman 5, Grand Theft Auto V, Modern Warfare 3, Starhawk and Bayonetta II. All of these are highly searched games that will catch your eye.

The E3 event takes place from June 7th to June 9th and this is where we expect the game to release the first details, trailers and screenshots. This would follow the pattern of its predecessor, Call of Duty: Black Ops, which itself released the first details at E3 2010. Stay tuned and put that date in your diary as that is when the big Modern Warfare 3 Hype will begin and when the first Trailers may be put on the Internet. Subscribe to our Youtube to stay up to date: youtube.com/M0DERNWARFARE3

Activision has announced the creation of a brand new studio called Beachhead, who will be used to create 'digital content' and 'an innovative new platform and services' for Call Of Duty. Call Of Duty: Black Ops – free to play online, but for how long? What exactly all that means isn't clear, but it seems as if Beachhead will be used to develop some sort of subscription or microtransaction-based version of Xbox Live/PlayStation Network - but dedicated to Call Of Duty.

Or perhaps it's an expanded equivalent of Halo Waypoint with more microtransactions? Or maybe the equivalent of PlayStation Plus but just for Call Of Duty?

Suggestions that this year's Call Of Duty game will be a prequel starring Modern Warfare 2's Ghost continue to grow, with the Official PlayStation Magazine now also backing the rumours. Modern Warfare 2's Ghost: He had his own comic book series, why not a game? The latest issue of the mag claims that 'insider whispers' are suggesting that 'Infinity Ward's next Modern Warfare title will be a prequel, with Ghost in the lead role'.

That's all it says, but as you may notice the story is identical to rumours that began emerging last month, that said Modern Warfare 3 would be a prequel with the mysterious Ghost in the lead role. That probably means either the story's true or the Official PlayStation Magazine is just repeating the old news as their own.

It seems this is the possible first glimpse of the action that Modern Warfare 3 might offer us when it releases some time later this year. The Trailer is has been made to look like the fast action, thrilling campaign that we have become custom to because of previous Modern Warfare games. The Trailer has quite clearly been made in real time, using live actors and this shows through the slight differentation in the accents from them of the Characters in Modern Warfare, despite this it has been sensationally made using a small budget by WCPToronto (We Can Pretend Toronto) who incidentally also made the website findmakarov.com the website that sparked all the Modern Warfare 3 talk. For the story on this Website click to see our Article.