E3 is currently working on a list of the top 5 games they reckon will be successful. These games include Hitman 5, Grand Theft Auto V, Modern Warfare 3, Starhawk and Bayonetta II. All of these are highly searched games that will catch your eye.

The E3 event takes place from June 7th to June 9th and this is where we expect the game to release the first details, trailers and screenshots. This would follow the pattern of its predecessor, Call of Duty: Black Ops, which itself released the first details at E3 2010. Stay tuned and put that date in your diary as that is when the big Modern Warfare 3 Hype will begin and when the first Trailers may be put on the Internet. Subscribe to our Youtube to stay up to date: youtube.com/M0DERNWARFARE3

The Release date for Modern Warfare 3 as you may have guessed had not yet been confirmed so this is a vague source of information but rumours are going around that Modern Warfare 3 will have a similar release date to previous Call of Duty releases and will therefore follow the patterns of information released leading up to the games release. The game then is thought to be released around November 2011 and first details, trailers and release dates will be confirmed and released on or just before the E3 event on June 7th 2011.

Source(s): L.A Times [Info], 1Up Media [Image]